作者:TG 来源:唐高网 日期:2008-07-10 浏览 1

  规则 DECISIONS: 11-3/3



  不受处罚。因为在击球前,放在球架上的球不是使用中球(参看 “使用中球”之定义)。球员可以重新架球(规则11-3)

Original Ball Out of Bounds; Ball Played Under Stroke-and-Distance Procedure Falls Off Tee at Address

A player played his original ball out of bounds from the teeing ground. Under Rule 27-1, he teed up another ball. When addressing the ball, he touched it and it fell off the tee. What is the ruling?

There is no penalty, because a teed ball is not in play until a stroke has been made at it(see Definition of “Ball in Play”). The ball may be re-teed(Rule 11-3).


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