作者:TG 来源:唐高网 日期:2008-07-09 浏览 7

  规则 DECISIONS: 11-2/2


  规则11-2规定球员在发球区上进行第一次击球前,发球区标志被认为是固定的。之后,裁定11-2/1 声明它们是妨碍物,如果可以移动,则被视为可移动妨碍物(参看“妨碍物”之定义)。



  (b)球员认为两个发球区标志太靠近、靠后,指示方向有误或类似错误,他在发球区进行第一次击球之前或之后移动了发球区标志 (按照规则33-7, 取消比赛资格), 除非在球员或其他球员从发球区打球之前,发球区标志被重新放置,则比洞赛在该洞负,比杆赛罚两杆。




Tee-Marker Moved by Player

Rule 11-2 states that before a player plays his first stroke with any ball from the teeing ground, the tee-markers are deemed to be fixed. Thereafter, Decision 11-2/1 clarifies that they are obstructions and if movable, may be moved (see Definition of “Obstruction”). In view of the fact that tee-markers are initially fixed, and when moved can have a significant effect on the competition, the following are examples of the appropriate ruling in various circumstances. In all cases a moved tee-marker should be replaced. In some cases, the replacement of the tee-marker may affect the penalty to the player.

a)A player moves a tee-marker before playing his first stroke with any ball from the teeing ground because the tee-marker interferes with the lie of the ball, his stance or his area of intended swing – loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play for breach of Rule 13-2.

(b)A player moves a tee-marker before or after playing a stroke from the teeing ground because, in his view, the tee-markers are too close together, too far back, aimed in the wrong direction or some similar reason—disqualification under Rule 33-7, unless the tee-marker is replaced before the player or any other player plays from the teeing ground, in which case the penalty is modified to loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play.

(c)A player moves a tee-marker before or after playing a stroke from the teeing ground as a result of falling over the marker—no penalty and the tee-marker should be replaced.

(d)A player moves a tee-marker before or after playing a stroke from the teeing ground as a result of intentionally kicking it or striking it with a club—no penalty and the tee-marker should be replaced.

(e)A player lifts a tee-marker before or after playing a stroke from the teeing ground for no apparent reason and without authority under the Rules—no penalty and the tee-marker should be replaced.


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