规则 DECISIONS: 3-3/6.5
Competitor Plays Second Ball Without Announcing Intention to Invoke Rule 3-3 Fails to Report Facts to Committee
In stroke play, a competitor’s ball came to rest on an artificially-surfaced road which had not been declared an integral part of the course.
Without announcing his decision to invoke Rule 3-3 or the ball with which he would score if the Rules permitted, the competitor dropped played a second ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b. The competitor then played the original ball as it lay completed play of the hole with both balls, scoring 4 with the original ball 5 with the dropped ball. The competitor returned his score card to the Commit¬tee with a score of 4 on the hole in question failed to report the facts to the Committee. What is the ruling?
Although the competitor did not announce his decision to invoke Rule 3-3, it is clear from the facts that he intended to invoke such Rule. As the competitor did not report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning his score card, he is disqualified under Rule 3-3a. (Revised)