作者:TG 来源:唐高网 日期:2008-09-13 浏览 1

  规则 DECISIONS: 27-2a/2.5




Player Plays Provisional Ball in Belief Original Might Be Lost Outside Water Hazard Then Discovers There Is No Possibility of Its Being Lost Outside Water Hazard

A player’s tee shot is struck towards an area of trees, bushes tall grass. Believing his ball might be lost outside a water hazard, the player announces his intention to play a provisional ball plays a ball from the tee. When he arrives at the area, he finds that the area in question is wetls that has been defined as a lateral water hazard that there is reasonable evidence that his ball is lost in it. What is the ruling?

As the player played the second ball from the tee in the belief that his original ball might be lost outside a water hazard, that ball was a provisional ball. The subsequent discovery that the area in question is in fact a lateral water hazard is irrelevant. Therefore, the player must abon the provisional ball proceed under Rule 26-1.


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