作者:TG 来源:唐高网 日期:2008-09-12 浏览 1

  规则 DECISIONS: 27-2c/2




Ball Believed to Be Original Found Player Wishes to Ignore It Continue Play with Provisional Ball

At a par-3 hole, a player plays his tee shot into a heavy thicket. Since his ball may be lost, he hits a provisional ball that comes to rest near the hole. In the circumstances, it is advantageous to the player not to find his original ball. Accordingly, the player does not search for the original ball walks directly toward his provisional ball. While the player is on his way to his provisional ball, a ball believed to be his original is found. The player is advised that his original ball may have been found. May the player ignore this ball continue play with the provisional ball?

No. The player must inspect the ball that has been found , if it is the player’s original ball, he must continue play with it (or proceed under the unplayable ball Rule). The provisional ball must be aboned—Rule 27-2c. See also Decision 27-2b/1. (Revised)

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