规则 DECISIONS: 27-1/1
可以。因为球员还没有对架好的球进行打球,该球不是使用中的球(参看 “使用中球”定义),初始球没有遗失。 (参看“遗失球”定义)
Original Ball Found Within Five-Minute Search Period After Another Ball Teed
A player plays from the teeing ground, searches briefly for his ball and then goes back and tees another ball. Before he plays the teed ball, and within the five-minute search period, the original ball is found. May the player abandon the teed ball and play the original ball?
Yes. The teed ball was not in play since the player had not yet made a stroke at it (see Definition of “Ball in Play”) and the original ball was not lost. (see Definition of “Lost Ball”)(Revised)